"Eight Little Lessons of Hope and Healing" is the meditative book based on the memoir, "Living to Tell," written by cancer survivor Laurie Beck. Her incredible journey battling cancer taught her that each individual has their own healing power within. With the desire to extend this knowledge to others and encourage each individual to their personal healing strength, she shares the eight daily intentions that helped save her life.
"I firmly believe you can't just cut the cancer out of you, do some chemo or radiation and think you're done. You have to cut the cancer out of your mind. You have to live, eat and breathe positive intention. You have to find a way to forgive so that the healing can begin. You need to search every day to find serenity. And you need to make sure that you are throwing every healing modality, Western, Eastern and otherwise, that you can at that disease in your body," shares Beck.
"I look back five years later with such gratitude that my mind and heart opened to a space and place I may have never found," Beck continues. "Self-healing is an empowering choice and an action to bring awareness into our lives."
In the book, each intention focuses on unifying the mind, body and spirit with uplifting thoughts of harmony, positivity and humor. Whether an individual is battling cancer or working to overcome life challenges, Laurie's intentions bring hope and healing. The intentions are meant to help shift a individual's thinking, if only for a second, minute or hour. Perhaps even for a lifetime.
Physicist Albert Einstein theorized that, "Energy is thought." Subtle energy is the non-material fabric of the universe, limitless, infinite, everywhere in everything. Simply put, you have the power!
"A wonderful book with powerful lessons ... I keep it in my purse when my spirit needs to be uplifted in the middle of a stressful day!" --Debbie Taylor
Beck also created the jewelry line, Chi Bella, that includes a handmade intention piece to correspond with each of the chapters in her book: Awaken, Energy, Healing, Hope, Positivity, Serenity, Passion, Courage and Humor. Made with organic leather and natural gemstones from all over the world, each piece is handmade by Laurie herself and can be worn in a variety of ways. Each Chi Bella piece is a tangible reminder to help focus thinking and support the healing process.
Crystals have a long list of metaphysical properties. In the book, Beck shares the general purpose of each stone and what makes that stone unique and special.
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