As Featured in Thirty-A Review
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Almost six years ago, Laurie Beck was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and was told she would die within a few years. Not only is she still alive, the diagnosis changed her life. Today, she is in spontaneous remission and she is happier, healthier, and has a richer life than ever before.

"Just because you get told something doesn't mean it is," she says.

Beck, who owns Pilates by the Sea in Santa Rosa Beach, has been on an incredible life-changing healing  path and is sharing her insights in The Eight Little Lessons Book.

"I was on a mission and instead of being devasted by my cancer I was brought down a path of gratitude. It opened me up in a different way. You need to learn what to do to help yourself."

Click here to read the full story.

Article originally appeared on Pilates by the Sea and mountains | Laurie Beck Pilates (
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