A Wonderful Message from France after my Interview with Patrick Timpone!

Am sharing with you this wonderful message that I received from a woman in France after doing Patrick Timpone's radio show last week.
Dear Laurie,
I was impressed by your inner calm and poise, and your wonderful results obtained by listening to your inner voice for guidance in overcoming your condition. You are an impressive young woman and an inspiration to many.
There is something I feel the need to share with you.
I often listen to Patrick Timpone who I think interviews the most fascinating guests, one of whom was Maria Valdivia. you can listen to her interview on his website.
She is a young Chilean woman living in LA. In Chile, she had heard about Dr Goiz Duran, a Mexican surgeon who discovered the Bio Magnetic Pairs. Shortly thereafter, at age 30ish, she was diagnosed with a stage 4 aggressive breast cancer. She was offered the usual protocols of chemo etc to which she said Thanks but No Thanks and instead, flew to Mexico where Dr Goiz treated her using magnets. I add that in 1987, the World Health Organization recognized the non-invasive benefits of magneto-therapies, non invasive to the point where during a session of biomagnetism, the patient is fully clothed and even has her shoes on!
After several sessions of Bio Magnetism with Dr Goiz, she was retested and was cancer free. She then learned Bio Magnetism and has a practice in LA: where you can learn more about this amazing technique which, after hearing Maria's story, I myself learned Bio Magnetism and now also practice.
In San Francisco, Hellena Guerrero also practices and Ricardo, has a practice in Tampa, Fl.
All three websites have a lot of information. I am particularly interested by the testimonials because altho I have just recently started practicing, I am getting a lot of gratitude from people.
Dear Laurie, I am a connector and I felt that I should share this information with you. As you already are a practioner in healing and helping people through Pilates which I love!, you may be very interested in Bio Magnetism. Energy medicine is the medicine of the future.....
With love and gratitude for sharing your poignant story with us, I send you much sunshine and peace!
St. Genis-Pouilly, FRANCE
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