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Pilates by the Sea

I Am Living To Tell


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Only $9.95 - this makes a great gift... for many on your list.  Who couldn't use a little hope and healing?  And guess what else you get... Harmony!

And a huge "Thank You" from your friend as well as a pat on the back from the Universe because you did something really good.

Time to Shine, Beautiful One.

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Appearance on Dr. Oz Friday, February 8th!

Recently, the Dr. Oz Show learned about my successful effort to beat incurable cancer using a combination of Western and Eastern medicine and alternative healing modalities. Before I knew it, I was flown to New York City to be a guest on the show. It was an incredible experience!
I am excited to say that the episode I was a part of will air this Friday afternoon, February 8th. Check your local listings for the exact time and station in your area, 

Hope you can watch. If you do, let me know what you think!
P.S. My book, I Am Living to Tell, chronicles my healing journey. It's available at

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