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Pilates by the Sea

I Am Living To Tell


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Only $9.95 - this makes a great gift... for many on your list.  Who couldn't use a little hope and healing?  And guess what else you get... Harmony!

And a huge "Thank You" from your friend as well as a pat on the back from the Universe because you did something really good.

Time to Shine, Beautiful One.

« A Mother's Day Gift from the Heart | Main | Give yourself permission to just be quiet »

Gift of Hope & Positive Energy Found in Quartz Crystal

Living along the beautiful beaches of South Walton in Florida has been a blessing. Not only is the beauty and healing nature of the beach a powerful reminder that we all have healing power within, but I was recently reminded that the sand is made from pure quartz crystal that has flowed down from the Appalachian Mountains over millions of years.

Chi Bella (beautiful energy) jewelry pairs crystals, which are known to have metaphysical properties, within each design.  Natural quartz crystal is used as a cleansing stone to eliminate negative energies from other stones and amplifies the powers of the positive energy stones. It is believed to be a powerful tool  for memory improvement and bringing clarity to one's consciousness.

Consider giving yourself the gift of a trip to the beach to enjoy the sugar white sand and surround yourself with the positive energies of the quartz crystal. If you can't get away right now, consider giving yourself the gift of hope with a quartz crystal Chi Bella jewelry design. Most importantly, we must learn to stop and be quiet. In this fast-paced society, we must practice allowing our minds and bodies time to be still. We must make time to listen to our inner voice.


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    Normal quartz gem is utilized as a purging stone to wipe out negative energies from different stones and opens up the forces of the positive vitality stones. It is accepted to be a capable device for memory change and conveying clarity to one's awareness.

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