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Pilates by the Sea

I Am Living To Tell


Order your copies today!

Only $9.95 - this makes a great gift... for many on your list.  Who couldn't use a little hope and healing?  And guess what else you get... Harmony!

And a huge "Thank You" from your friend as well as a pat on the back from the Universe because you did something really good.

Time to Shine, Beautiful One.

« Starting A New Journey: Launching My Memoir of How I Live With Incurable Cancer | Main | Gift of Hope & Positive Energy Found in Quartz Crystal »

A Mother's Day Gift from the Heart

With my memoir, I am Living to Tell, coming out this month, it has been a humbling reminder of my journey. My mom was such an important part of my recovery, helping me discover the power of reducing stress and making a commitment to my mental health in addition to physical well-being.

Like many, I too have difficulty finding the right gift or sentiment that will be a meaningful gift for mom on Mother's Day. This year, my job is made easy. We all need the power of courage--the courage to try something for the first time, the courage to call to someone who we've had a falling out with, the courage to overcome daily challenges. My mom has taught me to be courageous and in return I wish to provide her a constant reminder of this important lesson.

Courage is represented by the Rhyolite crystal, which fortifies the body's natural resistance, gives strength, unites our energies and allows us to achieve the goals that our inner spirit intended. The Chi Bella (beautiful energy) piece for my mom will feature the Rhyolite.

This Mother's Day consider giving a piece of meaningful jewelry--a beautiful, hand-crafted Chi Bella piece with the crystal of your choice. Each piece incorporates organic crystals and fresh water pearls on natural leather to help focus our thinking and overcome the struggles we endure. Each gift also includes a copy of "Eight Little Lessons of Hope & Healing."

Explore the variety of Chi Bella hand-crafted styles, including the new lotus design. Give a gift from the heart. A gift she'll love.

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