Emerald Coast Magazine - Life Lessons

"The Healing Journey of Author, Jewelry Designer and Fitness Finatic Laurie Beck"
by Zandra Wolfgram
"Sometimes you have to invent your own miracle." So says author, jewelry designer, and fitness guru Laurie Beck. After being diagnosed with two forms of cancer (non-Hodgkins lymphoma and marginal cell leukemia) in 2006, in addition to seeing one of the best oncologists in the country, Beck immersed herself into the vigilant practice of serveral complementary therapies, from yoga, meditation and Reiki to wearing crystals and using the power of positive thinking. Five years later Beck's cancer is indolent but could recur anytime. This possibility has strengthened her resolve to stay well mentally, physically and spiritually.
Click here to read the full story and personal Q&A with Laurie about her healing journey.
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