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Laurie Beck - Pilates Instructor, Jewelry Designer, Author

Laurie Beck is many things to many people—

a wife, mother, daughter, sister, Pilates instructor, wellness expert, Reiki practitioner, coach, jewelry designer, author, horse trainer and cancer survivor, among others.

Her health and wellness background, coupled with her life experiences and empowering message of hope and positivity, allows Beck to bring comfort, hope, healing and encouragement to all who find her. After her battle with cancer and living to tell the tale, she's on a mission to remain cancer free, live and share her lessons of hope, eliminate negativity and stress and take time for herself every day.

Eight Little Lessons of Hope and Healing is the meditative book written by Beck based on her memoir, Living to Tell. With the desire to extend this knowledge to others and encourage each individual to find their personal healing strength, she shares the eight daily intentions that helped save her life. Each chapter is complemented by crystals that are featured in her jewelry line. "Self-healing is an empowering choice and an action to bring awareness into our lives,” says Beck.

Beck’s Chi Bella Jewelry line has taken the elements and created exquisite pieces of jewelry, incorporating organic crystals, freshwater pearls, genuine gemstones and leather. Her specialty piece is the handmade Lotus Flower, made of clay, semiprecious stones and crystals. The lotus flower grows in muddy water and rises above the surface to bloom with remarkable beauty. Untouched by the impurity, the lotus symbolizes the purity of heart and mind and represents long life, health, honor and good luck.

About Laurie Beck

Beck is also the owner of Pilates by the Sea, and is a certified instructor. Her studio offers Pilates on the reformer, Gyrotonics, Barre classes, Reiki, organic spray tan, stretching and cardio jump classes.

Laurie Beck

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